Meet Us

Addiigreen Technology is a company committed to the development of products with state-of-the-art technology, oriented to the best deployment of units and equipment with internal combustion engines that have fossil fuels as primary fuel source.

Efficiency Energy

Our main objective is energy efficiency, i.e. more kilometres per litre for drive units and more hours per litre for industrial equipment, in addition to reducing polluting emissions into the environment, contributing to the greenhouse effect.


To be a leading company in the development of products for energy efficiency and reduction of harmful emissions into the environment, seeking an international presence, and always delivering the best results for shareholders and investors in an environment of honesty and transparency that is committed to a long-term success.


Deliver a high quality product, exceeding the expectations of our customers in terms of energy performance and reduction of polluting emissions, and always committed to sustainability and competitiveness for increased energy efficiency and conservation of the environment.




State-of-the-art technology aimed at the better performance of machines and equipment with combustion engines.

Contact Us

1621 Central Ave

Cheyenne, WY 82001


The EPA only requires registration of fuel additives if used in on-road motor vehichles with combustion engines.