Sustainable Technology Solution

State-of-the-art technology for a sustainable future.

For cars and other gasoline-powered vehicles.

A comprehensive solution combining a perfect equation of two factors - fuel efficiency and a drastic reduction of polluting emissions into the environment.

For diesel engines of any kind.

Decreased friction of the moving parts of the combustion chamber translates into lower operating temperature and less wear and tear on vehicle components.

Energy efficiency and emission reduction.

A comprehensive solution combining the two factors of a perfect equation, fuel efficiency and a drastic reduction of polluting emissions into the environment.

Lower operating temperature.

Decreased friction of the moving parts of the combustion chamber, translates into lower operating temperature and less wear and tear on vehicle components.


State-of-the-art technology aimed at the better performance of machines and equipment with combustion engines.

Contact Us

1621 Central Ave

Cheyenne, WY 82001


The EPA only requires registration of fuel additives if used in on-road motor vehichles with combustion engines.